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for Students

Northeast Metro Tech Changes Reopening Plan to Remote-Only

District Changes Direction Amid High Numbers of Positive Local Cases

WAKEFIELD– Superintendent David DiBarri reports that Northeast Metro Tech is changing course to follow its fully remote learning plan amid high numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in Revere.

The district had initially planned to hold a week of remote learning beginning on Monday, Sept. 14, and to transition to a hybrid learning model on Monday, Sept. 21.

“The last thing we wanted to do was to change our plan so close to the first day of school,” Superintendent DiBarri said. “However, this is the reality our community faces and nothing matters more than keeping students, faculty and staff safe. The data surrounding this pandemic is ever-changing and we have been closely monitoring the situation in Revere. Ultimately, we feel this is the best decision for our District at this time, and we’d like to thank our students, families, faculty and staff for their cooperation and patience.”

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has advised regional school districts to use a key municipality – the city or town where the majority of its students reside – as an indicator of whether or not classes should be held remotely or through a hybrid model. 

The majority of Northeast Metro Tech’s students reside in Revere, which has been experiencing a high risk of transmission rates for COVID-19 recently. District officials have maintained in close contact with local public health officials to continuously monitor the situation.

Each Wednesday, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health shares the number of active cases in each town and city statewide, and color-codes communities based on rates of positive cases per 100,000 people.

Over the past two weeks, there have been 158 positive cases of COVID-19 in Revere, a decrease from recent weeks. Of all COVID-19 tests administered to residents, 5.14% over the past two weeks were positive in Revere, and the City is currently marked as a “red” community on the state’s color coded case map. To view the map, click here.

To view this week’s statewide report, click here.

As the District follows a fully remote learning model, its leadership will continue to closely monitor the situation in Revere. Once case numbers decrease, the District may move to a hybrid model, a transition that would not happen immediately.

Northeast Metro Tech will continue to update students, families, faculty and staff as new information is available and as any decisions are made regarding changes to the district’s learning model this school year. For the latest updates, visit the district’s website here, on Twitter @NEMetroTech, and the District’s Facebook page here.



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