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for Students

Northeast Metro Tech Shares Information on Remote Learning, “Snow Days”

Dear Northeast Families,

With the likelihood of snow tomorrow, I want to update everyone on how hybrid learning will be affected.

During the 2020-21 school year the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is allowing school districts to provide remote learning in place of traditional “snow days”.  Therefore, when it is announced that there will be a snow day, you will also be informed if the day will be a “remote only learning day” or “no school” at all.

Various factors such as expected mass power outages will be deciding factors of whether school will be completely cancelled (No School vs. Remote Only Learning).

If there is a “remote only learning day”, students will follow their schedule for that day of the week.  Teachers will take attendance as they would during a regular school day.  Attendance is required as it would be on any other school day.  Students should virtually report to their homeroom (1st period class) as scheduled at 7:45-7:55 for Academics and continue their schedule until 12:00pm.  Hybrid students in cohorts A and B will learn together virtually on the remote snow day.

Students should report to the homeroom at 8:45-8:55 for attendance for Shop and will continue their day until 1pm.

Students in the Fully Remote Academy will continue their learning schedule as usual.

As always, if school is not cancelled during a snow event, it is at the discretion of parents/guardians in determining whether it is safe for their student to attend school in person. Northeast’s region covers 12 communities throughout eastern Massachusetts and there may be times when some areas are not plowed in a timely manner or are in worse conditions for various reasons.

Stay healthy and safe.

David DiBarri

Students, families and staff will be notified by email of any official announcements and decisions pertaining to snow and remote learning days this school year.

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